Friends or Foes? Cardi B vs. Nicki Minaj

There’s an ongoing debate about who is the better artist, Cardi b or Nicki Minaj? Ever since the pop sensation Cardi B has made a huge appearance, Nicki and Cardi have had on on going tension. Nicki and Cardi are the two biggest female rappers in the music industry right now, but there’s only one spotlight. Who takes the spotlight, Nicki or Cardi?

I took matters into my own hands and started asking students around taft what their opinion between those two were, and who they think should take the spotlight.

Kelly explained how “Cardi B is better because she’s more interactive with her fans” Cardi holds many social media accounts just as a way to show her fans her progress. She also interacts with her fans on Instagram’s comment section. Sara Vela said, “I personally believe that Cardi B is better because she has this loving personality and she’s so funny and her music is so much more fun.”


Although some people are team Cardi, others feel that Nicki is a better rapper/artist overall. I asked Destiny Clark what her opinion was about the two artists and here’s what she had to say, “Nicki’s music is better. Not only does she do better collabs, but her music and lyrics are so much better than Cardi’s.” Many people believe that Nicki Minaj lyrics make them feel more empowered. So now we leave the decision up to you, who’s better? Answer the poll down below, or leave a comment for someone to respond to!

Who do you think is better?

  • Nicki Minaj (61%, 68 Votes)
  • Cardi B (39%, 44 Votes)

Total Voters: 112

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