How Planting Trees Benefits Our Planet


If we plant as many trees as we can, it would be one of the best ways to benefit us humans on earth. Trees give us oxygen, absorb carbon, improve air quality and more. Cutting down trees is supported by many companies but when committing the act, they are screwing up the ecological balance that our trees currently maintain. A blog called Multiwood , said that without trees irrigation will never happen which would result in less harvest that will cause famine in some areas of the world but, if we keep planting trees we can increase the amount of food, trap carbon dioxide, and improve the air quality in our environment. We can make this planet better by planting more trees we can save energy and provide for wildlife and so much more. So let’s plant more trees we can not only help ourselves but for others in so many ways.

If we start planting more trees we would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air which would make the earth cooler. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that traps the sun’s warmth into the atmosphere which is an important factor of global warming. Trees are a very important source of getting rid of that excess carbon, trees absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen. An article from ScienceNews states ‘’Planting trees on 0.9 billion hectares of land could trap about two-thirds the amount of carbon we have currently but if we wait the article also tells us that climate change could change enough in 2050 that the benefit of planting trees will shrink.

Planting more trees will reduce the amount of pollution we might have in our air. A 2008 study by researchers at Columbia University, found that more trees in urban neighborhoods correlate with a lower incidence of asthma and safer for kids. Trees act as a sponge to all the chemicals we release in the air by absorbing nitrogen oxides, ammonia and sulfur dioxide filtering these chemicals from the air. So cutting down trees will not stop them from filtering our air but make excess carbon dioxide and other gasses released for the trees into the earth’s atmosphere. Ucsusa made an article on how deforestation causes about 10% of global emissions on earth. So why are we cutting down trees in the first place instead of ruining the planet let’s make it better by planting more?
Without trees sea life is endangered when carbon dioxide goes into the sea or ocean it dissolves in the water then reacts with it making carbonic acid which then breaks down into bicarbonates and hydrogen ions. This lowers the oceans ph level making it more acidic Washington Nature mentioned that ocean acidification is killing shelled animals making the ocean an unsuitable environment for them to live in.