Rae Metabolism Drops

March 16, 2020

TikTok challenges are usually fun, but in the case of Rae Drops, teenagers have taken it to another level. ”Rae metabolism drops” have been advertised to adults and have been used for viral weight loss challenges on TikTok and over the past month, this product has been dominating the “For You page”. For those who are not hip to the Tok, the For You Page is the app’s main feed where you can find stories TikTok thinks you would like, targeting users based on age, likes, and previous interactions.
The liquid containing caffeine, taurine, and raspberry ketones are said to give you more energy, make you look less bloated, take away the feeling of craving sweets and food, and apparently has a very light flavor and makes water easier to drink. Reviews rave about the product and confirm these claims over and over again.
However, the founders Angella Tebbe and Eric Carl have decided to pause the sale of their metabolism drops because they started to see the negative influence it has been having on teenagers who have flocked to the company. The owners of Rae Metabolism Drops have posted a statement on their websites saying, “We became concerned when we started to notice a conversation emerge [on TikTok]: teenage girls misusing the product alongside the conversation about weight loss, at times using more than the recommended dose. All of our products are formulated for and marketed to, adult women 18 and older.” Seemingly safe, it is questionable why the company itself has pulled the product, as well as stores such as Target which has pulled the drops from the shelves.
The issue began with a simple challenge on the popular app TikTok. The challenge started by teen girls showing off their bottles and taking the metabolism drops, many of whom did not follow the directed dose and were taking more than the recommended amount and captioning “let’s get skinny!” or, #letsgetskinny, #weightlosschallenge.
The product, which retails for $14.99, is said, According to the company, that there are “no safety concerns with any of our products whatsoever, any adult woman can use them.” “There is no risk in taking our Metabolism Drops as directed,” they added. “We took this action [removing the product from shelves] simply because we feel it’s the right thing to do as a company. Seeing a groundswell of this kind of conversation was antithetical to our values. The wellbeing [sic] of all women and the promotion of positive body images are essential to the foundation of this brand.”
This decision was a positive decision because a lot of teenage girls may be particularly at risk to the danger of today’s diet culture and the desire to lose weight and that’s not okay because the teenagers aren’t aware of what the impacts and how it will affect them in the future, also the company sounds kinda shady because it makes it seem like the founders of the product know that something is wrong with the metabolism drops and they are trying to stop it.

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