Covid Testing in LAUSD

R. Lasky

Nurses man the Covid Testing tent at Taft Campus.

As covid cases continue to drastically decline through the months of April and May, schools begin to reopen. To facilitate reopening, LAUSD is requiring students to test weekly for Covid-19 to attend in-person instruction.

In order for a student to enter a classroom, they must be there for the weekly test that the school provides and report a negative test. If they fail to do so, students will not be allowed to attend in-person instruction for the rest of the week.

This system has proven to be successful, as across all of LAUSD around 177 positive covid tests have been reported within its first week of implementation. 72 out of those 177 cases were employees and staff, the other were 105 students.

With covid vaccines now being readily available to ages 12 and up, LAUSD is offering free vaccines for 300k students across the district, and rewarding some recipients with financial support. Free vaccinations are also taking place outside of schools with an appointment. Places include CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens.

Weekly Covid Testing will continue for those who have chosen in person instruction. Covid Rates continue to decrease across the U.S and reopening the country slowly and safely seems probable everyday and is already taking effect.