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Five Ways to Observe Memorial Day

A Bull salutes the flag
Dall-E3 (via Bing)
A Bull salutes the flag

Created to commemorate those lost during the Civil War, Memorial Day has evolved into a federal holiday honoring individuals who have died in service to the U.S. military. Unfortunately, most people avoid Memorial Day’s purpose, distracted by various sales and the day off. It’s important to appreciate the sacrifices made for our freedom- here are five ways to celebrate those who have died in service.

Flags Or Flowers

American Flag On Gravestone (Sharefaith)

One of the most common traditions on Memorial Day is to place American flags or flowers at the graves of the fallen veterans. Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day, hence decorating the gravesites of the fallen with flowers. We’ve been doing this for over 150 years! To do this, you can go to the Los Angeles National Cemetery, where natural-cut flowers may be placed on graves throughout the year.


National Moment of Remembrance

Bugle, Instrument known to play “Taps” during National Moment of Remembrance
Photo by coloniera2 on (Hector Landaeta)

This act was passed on December 28, 2000, encouraging a national effort to pause for one minute at 3:00 pm (local time) to honor those who died in military service. Many institutions will also take part. For example, the MLB will pause all their matches and pregame workouts. Make sure to set a reminder, and when the time is right, stop whatever you’re doing and take a moment to stand still, not talking.



Memorial Day Ceremony, National Anthem Played (US Air Force from USA)

Parades are a great way to observe Memorial Day while taking advantage of the resources in your town. Instead of having a picnic or BBQ, go to a Memorial Day parade! For instance, the city of Burbank is having a Memorial Day ceremony at McCambridge Park.


Flying the American flag at Half-Staff

American Flag Flying At Half-Staff
Naval Surface Warriors, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons (Patrick Semales)

On days of mourning, the American Flag is commonly flown at half-staff. For example, the death of a president or a former president is mourned by flying the American flag at half-staff for thirty days. On Memorial Day, the flag is expected to be flown like such until noon. Then, the flag should be flown at the top until sunset.


Support Veterans

WW1 American Veteran
National Archives and Records Administration, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons ( National Archives and Records Administration)

Even though Memorial Day commemorates the fallen, it is still a great time to support living veterans. There are a multitude of ways to support veterans, such as writing letters, donating, and volunteering.

Not everyone can say they are beneficiaries of the sacrifices for liberty and freedom. However, we can. As a beneficiary, consider taking some time out of your day to observe Memorial Day.

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  • Col. VG RAJANMay 27, 2024 at 5:05 pm

    I participated in the Memorial Day celebrations at Sherborn, MA. USA. Visited Pine Hill cemetery, placed my salutations to the departed brothers in Arms.
    Felt elated.
