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The Student News Site of Taft Charter High School

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The Student News Site of Taft Charter High School

Taft Tribune

Starting Fresh In College? This Is What You Need To Know!

Stanley Morales (

College can be a stressful time in a young adult’s life. Some have to leave their home and their friends and family. They have to start a whole new life around completely different people. While moving into a new domain can make one stressed, there are plenty of things you can do to make new friends and get comfortable in your new environment!


Making New Friends

Mental Health America,

You may be asking, “How do I make new friends in College?” There are many ways to expand your social circle when starting fresh. One way many college students meet new people is through Fraternities and Sororities. Fraternities and Sororities are social organizations that create bonds between students and also provide leadership opportunities as well as provide a home and activities for students to be a part of.
Not a fan of Fraternities and Sororities? There are even more ways to meet new people in College. One of those ways is to join clubs! Clubs are organizations at a school that focus on a specific topic and work to make the campus a better and more safe place. It’s helpful to join a club that satisfies your interests so you can meet people who you have a connection with. You can also participate in local events and social gatherings and have a great time meeting new people.


Dealing With Homesickness

Andrea Piacquadio (

Feeling homesick while at college is one of the worst feelings a young adult can face. Leaving your home, family, and friends can make one suffer a ton. While a new home can feel depressing, there are many things you can do to cure this homesickness and make your college experience better.
One way to help with homesickness in college is to decorate your dorm or house/apartment like home. You can paint the walls to remind you of home and even hang up pictures of family and friends to make your home feel like home again. You can also focus on the positive and exciting new things about college to avoid thinking about how much you miss your home. One final way to deal with homesickness is talking to a counselor on your college campus. If you don’t feel comfortable talking about your feelings with school staff, then talking to your family and friends back home or even at school everyday can help relieve stress and sadness from your mind. Talking to them can remind you that they are always there and are by your side even if they are not with you.


Get Comfortable

Diana Titenko (

The new terrain of college can be overwhelming for many students. It’s important to get comfortable with your surroundings. These include getting to know your peers and neighborhood, being a part of a community to feel welcomed, and finding some hobbies to take up to keep yourself busy. Feeling like you belong in a space is really important to making your college experience thrive.


Have Fun

Helena Lopez (

College is a once in a lifetime opportunity to build your career and start your adult life. Have fun doing what you are doing and learning what you are learning. Don’t feel stressed at work all the time. Loosen up and enjoy the few years you have in college while still giving your all when it comes to classwork.

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