Taft Students Going Back to Campus After Over a Year

Emily Interiano

Students social distance in classrooms at Taft Charter High School.

After over a year of not being on campus, Taft students were able to return to Taft Charter High School and attend in-person learning on April 27. Since the pandemic and quarantine struck on March 13, 2020, students have not been allowed to be on campus.

Prior to reopening, students’ parents were to fill out a survey, choosing whether to continue virtual learning or attend in-person classes for their child. Students who decided to come to school found this as an opportunity to have social interactions, meet new people, and take advantage of an environment that would help them focus on school work. Some students also said that it was not their decision, but rather their parents’.

With students physically attending school, the bell schedule had to change where classes are pushed back to 8:30 in the morning for virtual advisory classes. Whereas for those attending campus, their first class of the day starts at 9:30 am with their advisory.

To ensure proper social distancing, Taft High School advised that hallways will only be one way with a designated entrance and exit. The school’s website also provided a map that helps students navigate their way through campus with these terms as well as recommendations for which entrance to go to based on the students’ advisory class.

Everyday, those who enter campus have to go through the COVID 19 screening process before entering campus, including a temperature check and a digital questionnaire.

For freshmen who’ve been to campus only once before, a few ASB members directed those new to Taft around campus and answered their questions on the first day back.

Despite the unusual start to the school year, Isabella Amparo, a freshman at Taft High School, stated that this experience has been exciting yet surreal for her and has given her hope for the next school year. Isabella Amparo mentioned, “Overall, it feels great to be on campus. It is always something I look forward to during the week.”

As for Aisha Arango, who will be graduating this year, being back at school especially for her last few weeks here at Taft, gives her “a sense of normalcy.” Aisha Arango commented, “I’m glad I could spend my last couple of weeks on the campus that has prepared me for my future after high school and surrounded by the teachers and staff who contributed to my growth.”

From what Taft students had to overcome these past months, this progress gives hope to students into the foreseeable future.